Sunday, June 28, 2009


Rugged mountains and rusty canyons of Nambe,
Disheveled sage brush, blue-grey,
Cactus bloom, cyan,
Purple clouds pregnant of the coming rain,
Last light of the day, stroking the mountain slopes,
Pinion pines and junipers incensing the air,
The numbing song of the creek,
Then the fire crackling,
And you’re all mellowed out,
Wake up in the middle of the night,
Watching the stars till you get dizzy,
Sleep… Sleep…
Dream, of the Land of Enchantment.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kaleidoscope prayers

In the middle of the desert and mountains of New Mexico
hides a tiny valley and the village of Chimayo,
that shelters the sanctuary of all hopes.
It is a very green valley with a creek running through it,
and trees whose blossoms are prayers,
deposited there by invalids, pilgrims, lovers, and families.
Candles, icons, and crosses, O! the crosses of Chimayo!
From the most artfully crafted
to the modest ones improvised with sticks and twigs,
tied with ribbons, yarn or reeds.
Walking through Chimayo is walking through a rosary of prayers,
seeing in the hearts of all these people through a kaleidoscope.
Prayers of many colors and shapes like many voices
whispering their desperation and their hopes twisted together,
almost tangible in the air.
At Chimayo I saw, heaven on earth.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

UNM wifi stop

After completing my contract at WWU I decided to take a semi vacation, semi work break and go to my other favorite area in this country, and flew to Albuquerque, NM, with my laptop.
I am now having a wifi stop at the University of New Mexico campus main library. This campus rivals the one of Western Washington in beauty. I always stop here when I come to Albuquerque. Now in the summer the campus is very quiet, outside a flawless blue sky, 84 degrees, and the gorgeous Adobe buildings, landscaping and Art displayed make my day.
Next as my stomach is claiming its due,I'm gonna have a bite across the street from campus at the Mexicans. The food will be good.

Friday, June 12, 2009

First Open No Mike of the summer

Well, technically we're not in the summer, but we've been blessed with summer weather for quite a while now.
So today we gathered our scattered group of friends at Troy's La Crema Coffee Company next door to my place. It is a perfect venue for Open no mike/Gypsy caravan. It was good to be all together again.
Troy made excellent coffee, and we had munchies. Were present Troy and Charity, and Charity's friends; Bob, Cath and Jan, Gary, Toolie managed to drag Roberto behind the bicycle, and Tug the Tasmanian devil brought Rick, his chauffeur :); Michelle came along with Kevin, Tammy and her husband, and "B" our new character in town came on his Pedicab, and my Flamenco dress dragged me along as well as she was itching for some cockroach stomping.
Tonight was one of those magic Open no Mikes, the dogs behaved, Bob and Rick played their best, soon joined by "B", who has quite a voice of his own, very moving.
Gary treated us with storytelling and hilarious campfire songs old and new, Jan was doing her crochet on a deep armchair and obviously had a good time. I did a bedeviled Flamenco fire dance, accompanied by Bob, and that was lots of fun.
Community at its best, lots of music and laughter.
We decided to have our next at Gary's place on June 27.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Paint Squirt

My first off campus day, my first real summer off day. Been seeing my friends at the La Crema coffee next door, been receiving friends visits at my place, been working, housecleaning, and now painting, forgetting EVERYTHING, having a blast with my favorite music full blast and squirting paint. Re connecting with my north African roots, the most inspirational for my Artwork. It's a good day and a loooong early summer day, plenty of light late. Happy.