Yesterday was another magic one, I have to say, at Troy's La Crema Coffee Company.
13 people were present, with new blood also, the variety was welcome. We held Open no Mike on the front garden of the cafe, and a wonderful evening it was. We welcomed 3 new people, David, Steven, and Dave. 3 good musicians, and in different styles, David and Steven both have wonderful singing, and Steven plays his guitar upside down, with a great, deep raspy voice. Bill surpassed himself singing from his heart. Kevin Paul came over with his drum, and in spite of his recent surgery, honored us with great drumming and signing and joke and laughter. Roberto was the Barrista in charge and served us excellent coffee. And of course our 2 mascot dogs, Tug and Toolie, participated their share of running around and barking.
And thanks to Troy, the spirit of the place, who made this possible :)