I usually observe them from my perching position on our favorite tree over the river, the one we use as a restaurant. The other day we were having salmon there and she came out with a pair of eyes- those funny creatures are not gifted with a good sight as we are- and she stayed there for a while observing us. I tolerate this only because I know they don't have guns and they don't make noise. Funny little people, they live there, on the water, on curious floating nests. Three people, two dogs, and a kitty. A genuine Noah's ark, I tell you. I'm having a hard time, trying not to dive down on the kitty, looks like it could be a nice meal, but that damn creature is pretty smart at eluding me. Never got to catch her. Gave up. So I observe them, on my leisure time, and got a pretty good idea of their habits and lifestyle. I don't get it why they persist in living there on the water, while they could live with their peers in what those people call a house. Maybe those people think they are shorebirds or something like that. They eat outdoors like us, they spend a long time watching the river, and seem to enjoy it a lot. I once considered explaining to them they should go back where they belong, then I figured the frequent floods would take care of that. No way. They're still here, which is fine with me, it provides me with free entertainment. I watch them like humans watch a reality show on TV. Interesting.
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