Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sun and Dirt

Today I had breakfast in bed, and went back to sleep...
When I finally got up I decided against having a shower and went wild,- No grooming today, just the gypsy way - so instead I dived into my backyard, that needed tender love and care. Due to the pouring rain we had earlier this week, it's starting to look lush and fluffy, the way I like it. Some of the stuff I planted last year that never made it is sprouting right now, many surprises. I wanted it fluffy so I went crazy sowing and planting all over the place, so it's heading for being even more crowded than last summer. I like THIS way of capitalizing: Planting stuff that may show up some time later. As the day was moving forward, the sun got warmer and warmer and I peeled off layers till I found myself in shorts and tank top in my garden. In the veggie lot, the mustard greens are out. I gave them as neighbors lettuce, salad mix, arugula, spinach, radish, and Swiss chard. As I was digging in, I didn't see the hours pass, engrossed in the pleasure of handling the seeds and the dirt. I also put in plenty of lemon Balm, and more nasturtiums, cosmos, marigold. The red nasturtiums I sowed earlier are out, all over the place. I took my seedlings that I started a few weeks ago on my kitchen window sill out on my porch. There I have thyme, Chinese forget-me-not, Papaver, garlic chives, Salvia. I bought a grown Asian eggplant at the Food Coop for which I'm still looking for the right spot, probably upstairs on my porch where it's very sunny. I also started a vine from seed that I hope to place at different locations upstairs as well as in the backyard. By mid afternoon the apotheosis came with the watering, which took me about half an hour. I love it, it's so refreshing and relaxing, and you can almost hear the plants sighing "thank you, thank you!". A day like this one is better than any therapy or fancy relaxation class you'll ever take. I finally stopped mid afternoon, as it was time for a coffee break. Muddy and happy and all mellowed out, I slipped into a pair of jeans and went next door to Troy's for a good coffee and a cigarette in the Japanese garden. I played lizard there for a long moment, baking in the sun. So mellowed that even the hords of the Vroum-vroum tribe - understand the Harleys - passing by didn't disturb me:)

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