Friday, June 26, 2009

Kaleidoscope prayers

In the middle of the desert and mountains of New Mexico
hides a tiny valley and the village of Chimayo,
that shelters the sanctuary of all hopes.
It is a very green valley with a creek running through it,
and trees whose blossoms are prayers,
deposited there by invalids, pilgrims, lovers, and families.
Candles, icons, and crosses, O! the crosses of Chimayo!
From the most artfully crafted
to the modest ones improvised with sticks and twigs,
tied with ribbons, yarn or reeds.
Walking through Chimayo is walking through a rosary of prayers,
seeing in the hearts of all these people through a kaleidoscope.
Prayers of many colors and shapes like many voices
whispering their desperation and their hopes twisted together,
almost tangible in the air.
At Chimayo I saw, heaven on earth.


Anonymous said...

Great fascinating pictures!

Annabelle C.Vergne said...

I didn't see all those comments Betty, thanks for your support Bella!