Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Moustique's feast

Have you ever seen Babette's feast? (Le festin de babette). Well my Parisian born, now liveaboard kitty knows that movie, without having ever seen it... actually she might have seen the movie with me, back in my previous life in Paris. Moustique LOVED watching movies with me. She loved watching TV too, and had her favorite programs.
However yesterday night I was awakened at 3.30 am by my obnoxious cell phone ringtone, "Brown eyed girl"- gotta change that, I'm getting sick of it, I need to find something more "zen".- However, so I hear my cell phone, manage to pick it up, and hear my daughter talking from her boat about Moustique having come in with a bird through the window of the loft. She explains that the kitty came in, and by the time Leila managed to wake up, turn her light on, she finds bird feathers in her bed, and hears Moustique down below in the galley apparently "playing" with the squeaking bird- understand chewing her prey- So I gather my senses, get out on the dock in my underwear- by the way it was warmer than I've ever felt before- and get into Leila's boat. We switch the light on, and do find Moustique, and a single grey feather on the Tunisian carpet. " Moustique, where did you hide the bird?" we ask, in French, since that rebel refuses to understand English, even after almost 4 years here. No answer. Moustique just gently, casually sneaks up the bookshelves, hoping to escape our scrutiny. We take a flashlight and start looking for the unfortunate bird, that according to leila, was still squeaking a couple of minutes ago, to no avail. We had to admit the evidence: Moustique had had a fine delicatessen meal. I look at her, for traces of blood on her moustache, nothing. The beast is not even licking herself. She's obviously done the job properly, delicately wiping her mouth after her feast. For a second I even consider practicing on her the heimlich maneuvre. Forget it.
Of course by the time I get back into bed on the Waleela I can't go back to sleep. For a couple of hours therefore I listened to the river gurgling- it's been high now for a few days, due to snowmelt-, and by dawn, at 4,25 precisely, I heard the first birds starting their concert. No way you're gonna sleep in these conditions: we've been sleeping on the boat with our windows opened all night for a few days now, and those guys awaken really early. A first bird starts, then all the ones of the same species answer: kouiiic-kouiiiic,kuoiiic,kuoiiic!. Then another species starts in their turn, and so forth, till it becomes a symphony, or a cacophony, and you give up sleep, but you're happy you've heard it. I finally went to sleep, sometime after 5 am, happy, and relaxed.

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