Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Of the viscosity of paint

Today I took my paintbrushes, that had been neglected for a few weeks. Took me a while to do it. I was in that moody state where I couldn't decide on what to do and was telling myself I wasn't up to it. However I managed to push the door of the workshop and put some music, I started working on a painting that has been giving me a hard time, though it's getting better and better I think. I like this stage in a painting because layers and layers are accumulating, giving more depth to the whole. So I took the big, wide, flat paintbrush, the one that forces me to go wild, with large brush strokes, it's kind of liberating. I used several more coats of paint, medium, varnish, re paint, medium, varnish, delighting in mixing up the sticky substance, applying it, fading it with my fingers, -I love that- then stepping back, more black here, more light here. More paint, more medium, more gloss, and without noticing it I was playing with the substance like a child, not being judgemental on my work, and(mentally) sticking out my tongue, just getting closer to where I wanted to go, and on the way discovering things that appeared by themselves on the canvas, almost by accident, that I then chose to use and enhance. As usually I don't know when I'll stop for this one.

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