Saturday, May 26, 2007

Night time on the river thoughts

One of those wonderful, quiet, slow days. Days are getting really longer. I mowed the lawn, then met my friend at the cafe, went to the thrift store, got a trivial pursuit game for 50 cents, we gathered a few small town gossip, made fun of tourists, had, O, Indian frybread on the waterfront, then back to the cafe, small silly talk and brainstorming with friends. Then I was back home, planted that vine for my arbor in the garden on shore, had that cane roof mounted above the arbor, looks very zen, watered the veggies. Went back on the boat for dinner, and tonite around 10.30 I stepped on the dock, sat down for a cigarette, looked at the moon and its reflection on the river, all in shades of black and white and grey. A patch of clear sky, and a crown of clouds around the moon, I started looking at those clouds, the closest one to the moon definitely had the shape of a gigantic vertebrae. By the time I had dragged a couple of cigarette puffs, that cloud had turned into a big wolf face. I had that thought for a second: "what did I do to deserve all this beauty around me? then just said to myself, don't ask, just enjoy it".

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