Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The troll and the bee, LoCondo chronicles, continued.

In the quiet little town of LoCondo, lately a troll has started attacking the resident bee of the grotto. Everybody knows bees are inoffensive, and very productive beings, as they toil hard to produce honey. But our bee is special, as it produces special honey that spurts out of its mouth to form bubbles of spiritual honey, that has the property of making people think, which consists in allowing your neurones to connect to each other, and your electric curcuits to work properly. Now this is part of the Gypsies' regeneration process at the Grotto, collect the precious honey bubbles produced by our bee, before they touch the ground. But our resident bee is also important to the Gypsies, because it produces the strange brown beverage from the steam machine, beverage that is the indispensable catalyser to allow the honey to be operative. I don't know if this is clear, but however, lately apparently a villain troll has decided to attack our resident bee for a motive that is unclear. That troll is invisible, since it attacks in the dark, for it cannot see in the daylight, and is afraid of daylight, like vampires. I wonder if we could get rid of the troll by disposing some garlic here and there at the Grotto and around the beehive.

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