The first thing I saw this morning upon opening my eyes onto the day world was the river, an extremely low tide that is now a daily occurence, revealing all the underworld at the bottom of the river, the soft mud, the boat wrecks sitting at the bottom, the turquoise glacial water,the logs and tree trunks lying there, huge ghostly shapes standing to remind us of the last time the river got really wild, in 2003. Trees on the other side of the river, particularly that huge cedar, which I like more than the others because it's probably been there for ages. It must have seen quite a few things here on the river. Now you tell me that's what I see every day when I wake up, but no I don't get tired of it, because it's the same without ever being the same.Nature is like us humans, it has its changing moods. Upon opening my eyes, seeing those morning companions draws me a smile. I like to stay a while looking at them. This morning I had an instinctive reaction, I got up to pick up my camera, and went back to bed with it. I shot a few pictures. I didn't try to make nice shots, I just shot what I saw from my bed, from whatever angle I was in. Then I stepped out on the dock, walked to the very end of it and took a few shots of the morning fog. In black and white. Maybe that would show the essence of it, without the distraction caused by the colors.
I am more drawn to taking instinctive, unplanned shots lately, maybe because light and colors are getting more subtle, veiled, and trying to make it better than what it is would spoil it. I'm also myself in a very epidermic, receptive mood, and that changes the way you look at things, and also the way you react to them. I think less about what I'm doing, and it will probably be a good thing for creativity.
Good morning.
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