Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blankets, coffee, and Mozart

Ah, the soft, warm, coziness of a day off.
A parenthesis that miraculously stops the frenzy.
What to do on this day off? Nothing. Be. Just BE.
Just stay in bed, linger there under the warm blankets,
a bunch of pillows, a hot coffee, and Mozart.
Let your mind drift where it fancies, in that contemplative flotation.
A rare moment of guiltfree let go.
Feel how good it is, to move your toes playfully under the blankets,'like a baby discivering the joy of movement.
Let your fingers explore the warm, comforting roundness of a cup of coffee.
It's as effective as a meditation class to learn how to be in the present moment.


Fred Owens said...

I lost many names on my email list -- Google ate them. Please to send me your email address and Robert's too --- and anybody else who might like to read it.

Fred at Frog Hospital

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading this poem!

I know what you mean. One of my most precious moments is when I sip my only cup of coffee of the day in the early morning. Time doesn't matter anymore and I feel like a liberated slave!

(Can you add the widget, I think it's called like that- a button feature, that I click on to automatically add your blog to the list of the blogs that I follow?

Well if you feel like it!)

Anonymous said...

This poem by Fernando Pessoa makes me think of "Blankets, coffee, and Mozart'!



Anonymous said...

Sorry I thought it was going to be a link that you can click on and go to the poem directly. I guess you have to go to my blog and navigate it instead.