Friday, March 02, 2007


Drip.Drip-drip. Rain on the roof of the boat.
Rain water, river water. Different songs.
Rain sings drip-dripdripdripdripdrip.
River sings lellelelle,lelllanlellan,poit-poit,lellanlellan,lellellelan,poit-poit.
River and rain as they meet, titililltickllilling,poit,poit,lilticklilling,poit-poit.
Doum-doum-doum-doumdoumdoumdoum. The Conway tchoo-tchoo.
The dogs are napping on the sofa, Mr.B dreaming of Moustique, his inaccessible Parisian kitty, and Gonzalo that he's being eternally patted by a robotic hand that never stops.
And me writing silly nonsense.
Perfect relaxation.

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